
The men and women who have honorably served our nation in uniform deserve our utmost respect, and when they return home we need to make sure our veterans get the benefits and care they earned. Sen. Tina Smith believes this includes ensuring they’re able to pursue higher education, find housing and good jobs, and helping them heal from the wounds of war and access health care. It also means making sure veterans receive quality, timely care, and that we actively seek out legislative fixes when we find gaps in the law that prevent them from receiving the benefits they’ve justly earned.

In order to do this, Sen. Smith encourages you to reach out to her when you hear about a veteran who needs assistance. Whether it be helping to connect them to services, advocating on their behalf, or working to fix a legislative issues, Sen. Smith is here to help.

Latest Releases

U.S. Senator Tina Smith, Colleagues, Demand VA Improves Care for Victims of Sexual Assault

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-MN), led by Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Jon Tester (D-MT), joined her colleagues to send a letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) urging the Department to take immediate steps to improve the readiness of VA facilities and staff to address the needs of veterans after experiencing a sexual assault. The letter comes as a result of a concerning VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) report finding significant shortfalls in care provided by VA to veterans who seek care after sexual assault.  The letter was also signed by Senators Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), John Hickenlooper (D-CO), Patty Murray (D-WA), John Fetterman (D-PA), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Maggie Hassan (D-NH), Bernard Sanders (I-VT), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Mazie Hirono (D-HI) Angus King (I-ME), Richard Durbin (D-IL), and Mark Kelly (D-AZ). “We urge the Department to work expeditiously to implement the recommendations in the [OIG] report and take a more proactive stance towards preparing facilities, both emergent and non-emergent, and staff for how to respond to encounters related to sexual assault,” wrote the Senators to VA Secretary Denis McDonough. “Despite the low volume of emergent acute sexual assault victims presenting in VA emergency departments and urgent care centers, we expect the Department to ensure our veterans receive the best possible health care and services, either onsite or via a warm handoff to a community provider.” The Senators highlighted VA’s “unacceptable” shortfalls in providing

Klobuchar, Smith Secure Significant Federal Funding For Projects Benefiting Moorhead and Surrounding Areas

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Tina Smith (D-MN) announced that they have secured significant federal funding in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 federal budget to support local projects benefiting Moorhead and surrounding areas. These projects will help boost entrepreneurship, mitigate flooding in the Red River, increase access to affordable child care and expand economic opportunities for veterans, servicemembers and their families.  “From support for small businesses and flood prevention infrastructure in the Red River Valley to increasing affordable child care access and providing career pathways for veterans and service members, these projects will help address key issues impacting Minnesotans on a daily basis. I am proud to have worked with local leaders to push for this funding, and I know that these resources will make a real difference for so many communities across Moorhead and the surrounding areas,” said Klobuchar.  Fargo-Moorhead is an economic and educational hub in Minnesota and these projects are going to make a real, positive impact for the people who call this area home,” said Smith. “From supporting our littlest learners at the Detroit Lakes Boys & Girls Club, to connecting servicemembers and veterans to higher education and workforce opportunities, boosting community entrepreneurship, and making important flood mitigation improvements, these investments are going to be transformational for the Fargo-Moorhead community. I’m proud of the work we did to secure this funding.” Klobuchar and Smith have secured federal resources to further the following priorities: Boosting entrepreneurship: $1 million to establish a City of Moorhead Community Center for

Senator Smith’s Bipartisan Legislation to Secure Health Care for Veterans Exposed to Radiation Passes Senate

WASHINGTON, D.C. [8.3.22] – Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) announced that her bipartisan legislation securing health care benefits for “Atomic Veterans” who were exposed to harmful radiation has passed the Senate and is headed to President Biden’s desk. The bill was passed as part of the historic Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our PACT Act, which ensures millions of veterans exposed to noxious fumes emanating from burn pits will have access to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) care and benefits. It is co-led by Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC). The Mark Takai Atomic Veterans Healthcare Parity Act would allow veterans

Senator Smith Announces Passage of Historic Bill to Ensure Veterans Receive the Health Care They’ve Earned

WASHINGTON, D.C. [8.3.22] – Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) announced the Senate passed the most significant expansion of benefits and health services for veterans in more than 30 years. The historic Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our PACT Act ensures millions of veterans exposed to noxious fumes emanating from burn pits will have access to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) care and benefits.  The bill’s passage comes after Senate Republicans voted to block the bipartisan deal last week, which many of them had previously voted for. The bill will now head to President Biden’s desk where it will

U.S. Senator Tina Smith Announces Hearing Aimed at Addressing Homelessness

WASHINGTON, D.C. [07/14/22]—Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) – Chair of the Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation, and Community Development (HTCD) – announced she will be leading a hearing on homelessness and opportunities to support veterans and others who face challenges with housing. Members of the subcommittee will hear from Ms. Ann Oliva, Chief Executive Officer, National Alliance to End Homelessness; Ms. Kathryn Monet, Chief Executive Officer, National Coalition for Homeless Veterans; Ms. Cathy ten Broeke, Assistant Commissioner and Executive Director, Minnesota Interagency Council on Homelessness (MICH); Ms. Isabel McDevitt, Co-Founder and Board President Work Works America; and Ms. Jamie Kirsch, Board Member,

Klobuchar, Smith Secure Federal Funding to Help Servicemembers and Veterans Pursue Education at Alexandria Technical and Community College

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Tina Smith (D-MN) announced that they have secured $1.1 million in federal funding to help military servicemembers and veterans pursue their education at Alexandria Technical & Community College. This funding will go towards launching a pilot platform for a Global Military Learning Network, which will award credits for military learning and occupational experiences, streamline military admissions processes, develop a secure military-friendly enrollment portal, eliminate the cost of remedial coursework, and increase the number of military graduates available to meet workforce needs. “This federal funding makes an important investment in our state’s veterans
