Sen. Tina Smith in First Senate Floor Speech: “When Women Are Empowered to Contribute, We All Benefit”

WASHINGTON, D.C. [06/05/18]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith delivered her first Senate floor speech. In her remarks, Sen. Smith talked about the path that brought her to the Senate, and some of the injustices that hold women back—many of which start in Washington.

You can download video of Sen. Smith’s speech here, and a photo of Sen. Smith, her husband Archie, and her father Harlan here.

“My presence here in the Senate will always be seen by some as a symbol of the ‘broader conversation’ we’re having about the experience of women in America,” said Sen. Smith. “And so I thought I’d give my perspective about where I hope that conversation goes,

“A lot of these problems have endured because women haven’t been at the table here in Washington. I was the 51st woman to take the oath of office as a United States Senator – but we’ve had 50 different men just named Charles.

“The truth is, when women are empowered to contribute more fully, we all benefit. We’ve seen it in our economy over the last generation. We’re seeing it in our politics, as women drive the resistance to policies that hurt working people and leave our children vulnerable to gun violence. We’re seeing it more and more here in the Senate. And I’m proud to be part of that.”

You can access a copy of Sen. Smith’s remarks as prepared for delivery here.

