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Klobuchar, Smith, Stauber Urge Navy to Name New Ship for the City of Duluth, in recognition of the USS Duluth
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Tina Smith (D-MN) and Representative Pete Stauber (R-MN) urged the U.S. Navy to name a new landing platform dock (LPD) amphibious ship in honor of the USS Duluth LPD-6, which was commissioned in 1965 and decommissioned in 2005 and originally named for the city of Duluth. “We write to urge you to consider naming a new LPD amphibious ship for the city of Duluth, Minnesota and in honor of the USS Duluth LPD-6, which was commissioned in 1965 and decommissioned in 2005. The USS Duluth served for nearly 40 years and, whatever her charge, she ably and nobly performed her motto ‘Fortiter in Re’ – Bold in Action…Her missions spanned from sailing to Vietnam in spring 1975 to support the evacuation of almost 9,000 people in Saigon, to operating as support for Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom,” the lawmakers wrote to U.S. Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro. “The USS Duluth LPD-6 is unique among ships in the way it has been embraced by the local community over the years. In 2014, the City of Duluth honored the ship and its crew with a permanent monument on the City’s waterfront, using the ship’s anchor as its centerpiece,” the lawmakers continued. “We urge you to consider naming a new LPD ship in honor of the stalwart and noble USS Duluth.” The USS Duluth received numerous awards and commendations for her service, including three Humanitarian Service Medals and the Coast Guard
Klobuchar, Smith, Grassley Statements on Passage of Bipartisan Legislation to Rename Federal Building in Minneapolis After Senator Paul Wellstone
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Tina Smith (D-MN) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) released the statements below on the House passage of their bipartisan legislation to rename the Federal Building in Minneapolis the “Paul D. Wellstone Federal Building,” in honor of the legacy of the late Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN). The bill passed the Senate unanimously earlier this month and now heads to the President’s desk to be signed into law. “From his passionate advocacy for better mental health care to his leadership on civil rights, Paul Wellstone showed that public service is really about improving people’s lives,” said Klobuchar. “I’m proud that our bipartisan legislation to rename the Federal Building in Minneapolis in Paul’s honor will now head to the President’s desk to be signed into law. I can’t think of a better tribute to Paul’s legacy of service than a building where Minnesotans gather and get the assistance they need.” “Paul Wellstone had a profound impact on my life – and the lives of so many Minnesotans – as a public servant and as a friend,” said Smith. “From his work on mental health and campaign finance reform to his votes against the Iraq War, Senator Wellstone never wavered from his convictions or his commitment to improving the lives of working people. By naming this building after him, we hope to honor his legacy and years of service to Minnesota.” “It was an honor to work with and get to know Senator Wellstone. From neighboring states, we
Klobuchar, Smith Announce More Than $3 Million in Grants Throughout Minnesota for Critical Investments in Affordable Housing and Community Development
WASHINGTON D.C. [03/20/19]—U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith announced seven separate NeighborWorks grants totaling $3,104,000 for community organizations throughout Minnesota. The grants will help more Minnesota families realize their dream of owning a home, increase access to affordable rental units, provide needed financial and counseling services to households throughout the state, and support the repair or rehabilitation of existing homes. Last year, NeighborWorks-affiliated community development organizations in Minnesota provided these services to more than 18,300 households. “The availability of affordable housing – housing that a family can fit in their budget – is one of the most important issues
U.S. Senator Tina Smith, Senate Democrats Continue Push for Affordable Child Care For Families in Minnesota, Across the Country
Senator Helps Introduce Legislation to Help Families in Minnesota, Across Nation Afford Comprehensive, High-Quality Child Care WASHINGTON, D.C. [02/27/19]—U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.)—who last year launched “Child Care Access and Affordability” listening sessions across Minnesota—is continuing her work to ensure families in Minnesota and across the country are able to access high-quality childcare by supporting a comprehensive bill to address the skyrocketing cost of child care. The bill, called the Child Care for Working Families Act, would address child care costs in a number of ways. It would ensure that families do not have to pay a large percentage of their income onchild care and would provide universal access to
U.S. Sens. Smith, Merkley Introduce Bill to Protect Consumers From Predatory Rent-to-Own Housing Contracts
Senators’ Legislation Would Establish Standards for Predatory Rent-to-Own Contracts, Which Have Traditionally Targeted Underserved Communities and Lower-Income Americans WASHINGTON, D.C. [02/27/19]—U.S. Senators Tina Smith (D-Minn.) and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) have introduced the Residential Rent-to-Own Protection Act to protect consumers in Minnesota and across the country from predatory rent-to-own housing contracts. Their measure would allow rent-to-own residents—many of whom are often people of color or low-income Americans—to seek damages from landlords who violate contracts and put protections in place to ensure these residences are safe. “Rent-to-own contracts can create valuable pathways to homeownership and security, but they don’t always protect consumers. We want
U.S. Senator Tina Smith Honors Grand Portage Chairman Norman Deschampe with Senate Tribute
U.S. Senator Tina Smith Honors Grand Portage Chairman Norman Deschampe with Senate Tribute WASHINGTON, D.C. [02/27/19]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) honored the legacy and contributions of Grand Portage Chairman Norman W. Deschampe, who recently passed away. Praising his leadership, Sen. Smith cited the numerous issues Deschampe championed in his more than 40 years of service to the Grand Portage Band, serving 27 of those years as Chairman. Sen. Smith’s tribute follows Governor Tim Walz’s declaration of February 26, 2019 as Norman Deschampe Day. “Norman Deschampe’s legacy includes a longstanding commitment to supporting the health, education, and economic development of the Grand Portage Band,” wrote Sen. Smith, a