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Klobuchar, Smith Secure Significant Federal Funding to Construct 6th Street Bridge in Rochester

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Tina Smith (D-MN) announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) has awarded $19.9 million in federal funding, provided through USDOT’s RAISE grant program, to help construct the new 6th Street Bridge in Rochester. This new bridge will help spur economic growth in downtown Rochester by alleviating traffic congestion, improving connectivity, and boosting safety and accessibility.   “Investments in our infrastructure serve as down payments on the long-term economic well-being of our state,” said Klobuchar. “This federal funding will enable the long-discussed construction of the 6th Street Bridge, which will strengthen downtown Rochester’s economy by helping reduce traffic and improve transit connectivity in one of our state’s fastest growing cities. With this new bridge, Rochester residents will be able to more safely and conveniently access work, school, and other destinations.”  “Increasing accessibility while improving pedestrian safety is a worthwhile investment. A lot of hard work has gone into this project by city leaders and I’m glad we’re able to be a partner at the federal level,” said Smith. “This will establish a new connecting point across the Zumbro River, lessen traffic, and make it easier for people to enjoy downtown Rochester. The prioritization of bicycle and pedestrian use, enhancing safety, and creating new areas for community gatherings make this more than just an investment in infrastructure; it’s an investment in everyone who lives in the city.” These resources will allow Rochester to build a new bridge along 6th Street, two pedestrian walkways on

Senators Klobuchar, Smith and Rep. Craig Announce Applications Set to Open for Internet Expansion Program

WASHINGTON, D.C. [8.9.22] – This week, U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar, Tina Smith, and Representative Angie Craig (all D-MN) announced that the ReConnect Program, aimed at expanding high-speed internet access in rural communities, will begin accepting Round 4 applications on September 6th. The program, which received new funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) that Klobuchar, Smith and Craig helped pass earlier this year, will invest more than $1 billion to increase access to high-speed internet in small towns across the nation. “In 2022, we should be able to deliver high-speed internet to every community in our country, regardless of their zip code,” said Klobuchar. “This historic investment in the ReConnect program, which helps bring high-speed, affordable broadband to all corners of our country, will ensure rural Minnesotan communities can access work, school, and business opportunities online. I urge those that are eligible to apply.” “Broadband is the infrastructure of the 21st Century – it isn’t just nice to have, it’s necessary if we’re going to build an economy that works for everyone,” said Smith. “ReConnect funding helps connect communities in greater Minnesotan who have been left out of the digital economy. I am proud of our work to secure this funding and I encourage all eligible Minnesotans to apply.” “Right now, many rural communities in Minnesota simply don’t have the high-quality internet access that they need and deserve – and there’s no doubt that this is holding them back,” said Craig. “So I am thrilled we have been

U.S. Sens. Klobuchar, Smith Press Trump to Immediately Extend Deadline for Thousands of Liberians Who Risk Deportation

Senators Join Group of More Than 50 members of Congress In Urging Extension of Temporary Status WASHINGTON, D.C. [03/05/19]—U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Tina Smith (D-Minn.) pressed President Trump to immediately reverse an order he gave last year that could deport thousands of native Liberians living lawfully in Minnesota and across the country back to their troubled nation as soon as March 31. The Senators said Trump’s 2018 order to end the temporary status, known as Deferred Enforced Departure (DED), for Liberians living in the United States would hurt thousands of people—many of whom fled their country to escape civil war more

U.S. Senator Tina Smith Fights to Protect Veterans’ Economic Security

Bipartisan Reform Amends Current Bankruptcy Law to Better Support Veterans  and Their Families Experiencing Financial Hardship WASHINGTON, D.C. [03/07/19]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) pushed for reforms to current bankruptcy law in order to protect veterans experiencing financial hardship in Minnesota and across the country. The bipartisan Honoring American Veterans in Extreme Need (HAVEN) Act, led by Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) and John Cornyn (R-Tex.) excludes Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense disability benefits from veterans’ monthly income calculations, preventing those funds from being taken by creditors. “Disability benefits are not a luxury.  They are essential for ensuring veterans are compensated for serving our country and making sacrifices,” said Sen. Smith.

U.S. Senators Klobuchar, Smith Fight to Expand Child Tax Credit to Increase Economic Opportunity for Families in Minnesota, Across the Nation

Senators Support Legislation to Improve Child Tax Credit, Reduce Child Poverty WASHINGTON, D.C. [03/07/19]—Minnesota’s U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith said today that they are pushing a new tax cut measure that will not only put more money in the pockets of families raising children, but also cut child poverty by an estimated 38 percent in Minnesota and across the country. The American Family Act of 2019—led by Sens. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) would increase the Child Tax Credit to $3,000 per child, with an additional $600 per-year credit for children under six. Further, the measure would make the tax credit fully refundable to allow all families to claim

U.S. Sen. Tina Smith and Bipartisan Group of Senate Colleagues: “Provide Back Pay to Compensate Contractor Employees for Their Lost Wages”

WASHINGTON D.C. [03/08/19]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith continued her fight to secure back pay for federal contract workers who went many weeks without a paycheck during the recent 35-day federal government shutdown by pushing the leaders the Senate Appropriations Committee to include funding for back pay in an upcoming disaster relief package. Unlike federal government employees, who received back pay after they returned to work when the shutdown ended in February, federal contract employees—many of whom serve in modestly-paid jobs—did not receive back pay to make up for the wages they missed. During the shutdown, Sen. Smith led the  Senate effort to secure
