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Klobuchar, Smith Introduce Legislation to Support Volunteer Drivers

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Tina Smith (D-MN) introduced legislation to support volunteer drivers. The Volunteer Driver Tax Parity Act would lower the financial burden that volunteer drivers face by increasing the charitable mileage tax reimbursement rate for drivers from $0.14 to $0.625 per mile for a two-year period.  “Volunteer drivers are vital to rural communities across our state, helping seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, and others access important necessities such as meals and health care,” said Klobuchar. “By increasing the charitable mileage tax reimbursement rate, this legislation will help alleviate the financial challenges that many volunteer drivers face, ensuring that they can continue to serve their communities.”  “Minnesota’s seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities all rely on volunteer drivers to provide crucial services such as access to food, medication and transport,” said Smith. “I’m proud to introduce this legislation, which will increase the charitable mileage tax reimbursement rate and lower the financial burden for these volunteers. By more fairly compensating them for their services, we can help ensure volunteers are able to continue helping the people who rely on them.” The Volunteer Driver Tax Parity Act would: Increase the charitable mileage reimbursement rate from $0.14 to $0.625 per mile for a two-year period in order to address financial challenges placed on volunteer drivers; Set the permanent rate for volunteer drivers at $0.24 following the two-year period to adjust for inflation; Ensure that the IRS has the ability to adjust charitable mileage reimbursement rate accordingly to inflationary

Klobuchar, Smith Secure Significant Federal Funding for Infrastructure Improvements in Duluth

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Tina Smith (D-MN) announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) has awarded $24.9 million in federal funding for infrastructure improvements in Duluth. Specifically, the grant, provided through USDOT’s RAISE program, will revitalize a two-mile section of West Superior Street by replacing outdated utilities systems, expanding broadband connectivity, and building electrical vehicle charging stations.  “Investments in our infrastructure serve as down payments on the long-term economic well-being of our state,” said Klobuchar. “This federal funding will make a real difference for communities in Duluth, enabling critical infrastructure improvements that will strengthen downtown, while helping to replace aging utilities and increasing broadband connectivity for local businesses and residents.”  “Minnesota is paving the way to a clean energy future and this project exemplifies Duluth’s commitment to prioritizing the environment while upgrading the city’s infrastructure,” said Smith. “From installing electric vehicle charging stations to investing in green infrastructure and expanding access to broadband, this project will both make critical improvements to the city’s infrastructure while remaining committed to the future of our planet. I’m glad we’re able to be a partner at the federal level to ensure this project gets done.” “I am deeply grateful to Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith for understanding the value of this enormous investment in our community,” said Duluth Mayor Emily Larson. “This is a highly competitive grant process – receiving this RAISE grant is a truly monumental achievement and speaks to the commitment our Senators have to Duluth

U.S. Senator Tina Smith’s Statement on Deal to Reopen Government

WASHINGTON, D.C. [01/25/19]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) released the following statement following the announcement that an agreement was reached to end the current shutdown and reopen the federal government: “From the beginning, the government shutdown was a waste focused on a political symbol instead of real solutions. Finally, President Trump is realizing the increasingly harmful toll the shutdown is taking on our country. I’m glad a deal has been reached to reopen the government and focus on meaningful negotiations, but we still need to make sure federal contract employees get back pay—which is an issue I introduced a bill

Sen. Tina Smith Continues to Lead Push to Secure Back Pay For Federal Contract Workers Financially Devastated by Shutdown

WASHINGTON, D.C. [01/29/19]—Today, U.S. Senator Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minn.), continued to lead the push to secure back pay for the thousands of federal contract workers who went many weeks without a paycheck during the 35-day federal shutdown. Unlike federal government employees who returned to work this week, the thousands of federal contract employees—many of whom serve in modestly-paid jobs—have no assurances that they will receive back pay to make up for the wages they missed during the shutdown. On Tuesday, Sen. Smith was joined at a Capitol Hill press conference by Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.), and a coalition of several other Congressional Democrats to discuss

U.S. Senator Tina Smith Continues Fight For Bill to Ensure Women Get Equal Pay for Equal Work

WASHINGTON, D.C. [01/30/19]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) helped reintroduce the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would strengthen equal pay laws. The bill would also close loopholes so that women can challenge pay discrimination and hold employers accountable. “Women deserve equal pay for equal work,” said Sen. Smith. “We’ve made important progress, but there’s more work we must do—particularly for women of color. The Paycheck Fairness Act gets right to the root of that work toward full equity and I’m proud to support this legislation for women and their families.”   “The Paycheck Fairness Act is an important next step towards achieving pay equity, and ultimately, true gender equity in

U.S. Senator Tina Smith Announces Minnesota Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan as State of the Union Guest

Washington, D.C. [01/31/19]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) said that Minnesota Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan will be her guest at the President’s State of the Union Address on Tuesday, February 5 in Washington, D.C. Prior to serving in the United States Senate, Sen. Smith also served as Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota. Lt. Gov. Flanagan, a member of the White Earth band of Ojibwe, is currently the nation’s highest-ranking Native woman ever elected to executive office. She was one of the first Minnesotans Sen. Smith reached out to during the start of the recent 35-day government shutdown. The two have discussed how harmful
