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U.S. Senators Klobuchar, Smith and Representative Craig Announce Minnesota Dairy Producers Can Sign Up for Improved Dairy Margin Coverage

WASHINGTON, D.C. [10/24/2022] – U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar, Tina Smith and U.S. Representative Angie Craig (all D-MN) announced that Minnesota dairy producers are eligible to sign up for the 2023 Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program, an important safety net program that helps producers manage changes in milk and feed prices. The lawmakers encourage producers to sign up at their local Farm Service Agency (FSA) office by Dec. 7, 2022. “The Dairy Margin Coverage program helps provide Minnesota’s dairy farmers with important stability and risk management tools that benefit our rural communities,” said Sen. Klobuchar. “ I encourage all dairy farmers interested in enrolling to apply for the DMC program before December 7.” “During periods of price volatility, the Dairy Margin Coverage program is an important assurance for dairy farmers,” said Sen. Smith. “I encourage dairy farmers to take advantage of this program and enroll before the December 7 deadline.” “Minnesota’s dairy farmers are a central part of our agricultural economy – and the resources provided by the Dairy Margin Coverage program will help ensure they are able to keep their operations running smoothly,” said Representative Craig. “I encourage all Second District dairy farmers to take advantage and enroll in this important program today.” The Dairy Margin Coverage program provides critical assistance to our nation’s small- and mid-sized dairies, helping make sure they can manage the numerous and often unpredictable uncertainties that impact market prices for milk. Last year, the USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) took steps to improve coverage, especially

Senators Klobuchar, Smith Announce New Rental Assistance Funding for Minnesota

WASHINGTON, D.C. [10/121/22] — U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith (Both D-Minn.), announced over $8 million in funding for a key rental assistance program that will help Minnesotans struggling to pay rent. The additional funding is made possible by the American Rescue Plan, which both Klobuchar and Smith helped pass last year. “Far too many households across our state are struggling to afford the high costs of housing. Families should not have to choose between paying their rent and paying for other essential necessities,” said Klobuchar. “This critical rental assistance will enable more Minnesotans to remain in their homes and enjoy the safety and stability that affordable housing provides.” “Without access to housing, nothing else in your life works. Not your job, your health, your education or your family,” said Smith. “Emergency rental assistance has been a critical lifeline for tens of thousands of households in Minnesota during the pandemic.  I am very glad to see more of this funding, made possible by the American Rescue Plan, come to our state and help thousands of Minnesotans stay in their homes.” The pandemic exacerbated the nationwide housing affordability crisis, putting more Minnesotans at risk of eviction or foreclosure, and making it more difficult for unhoused individuals to secure housing. In response, the American Rescue Plan Act provided substantial housing relief, including the Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program. The Emergency Rental Assistance program makes funding available to assist households that are unable to pay rent or utilities. Through two rounds of

Rep. Tom Emmer Wins Sen. Tina Smith’s Minnesota Congressional Delegation Hotdish Competition

Today, Senator Tina Smith hosted the eighth annual Minnesota Congressional Delegation Hotdish Competition. Sen. Smith took up the helm of Al Franken’s annual hotdish off to determine which Minnesota Congressional Delegation member makes the best hotdish. You can download video from the event here, here, and here, and an interview with Sen. Smith that you should feel free to use here. Participants recipes can be found here. You can find photos of the competition here. 

Rep. Tom Emmer’s “Hotdish of Champions” was named the winner of the 2018 Hotdish Off after a blind taste test—and a tie broken by Master of Ceremonies (and MinnPost’s Washington Correspondent) Sam Brodey—of all ten dishes. The judges

Sen. Tina Smith Cosponsors Bipartisan Effort to Expand Minnesota Farm Exports

Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith continued her fight to open new international markets for Minnesota farm products by throwing her support behind bipartisan legislation to help farmers, rural cooperatives, and small businesses sell more exports abroad.   The Cultivating Revitalization by Expanding American Agricultural Trade and Exports Act (CREAATE) would bolster funding for key USDA programs that help American farmers branch out into international markets. Expanding these business opportunities and trade partnerships would provide some much-needed support to family farmers and ag operations across the state that have weathered tough commodity prices during recent years.                 

Sen. Tina Smith Fights Against Federal Proposal to Raise Rent, Impose Strict Requirements on More Than 72,000 Minnesota Households

U.S. Senator Tina Smith called on Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Ben Carson to scrap a proposal that would raise rent and impose strict requirements on 72,400 Minnesota households, and millions more across the country. After Secretary Carson released his plan that would hurt millions living in federal housing, Sen. Smith called on him on Tuesday to scrap these efforts and instead work to improve access to affordable, stable housing for Minnesotans and people across the nation. “If enacted, this proposal would leave even more low income people without stable homes, including seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, and children,” wrote Sen. Smith. “Nationally, 4.1

Sen. Smith’s Statement on President’s Decision to Withdraw From Iran Deal

WASHINGTON, D.C. [05/08/18]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith released the following statement after President Trump announced that the United States will withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Agreement. “Iran must never be allowed to obtain a nuclear weapon—they are a threat to the region and to U.S. national security interests. “A withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Agreement, however, will do nothing to reduce that threat. The Iran deal was never perfect, but I am profoundly concerned that walking away from it with no legitimate basis for doing so is bad for our national security. It heightens the risk of Iran developing a
