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Senators Smith, Rounds Unveil Major Bipartisan Package to Modernize and Update Rural Housing Programs

Washington [5.2.23] – This week, Senators Tina Smith (D-MN) and Mike Rounds (R-SD) introduced significant bipartisan legislation to improve federal rural housing programs, cut red tape, and strengthen the supply of affordable housing. The legislation would represent the most significant Rural Housing Service reforms years. “Without a safe, affordable place to live, nothing else in your life works. Not your job, not your education, not your health,” said Senator Smith. “We know that the housing crisis is hurting communities across the country, and the problem is particularly acute in rural places. This legislation is the direct result of bipartisan hearings and conversations with stakeholders who helped identify ways we can make federal rural housing programs work better for people struggling to find a safe, affordable place to live.”   “Homeownership is part of the American dream and a key to building wealth,” said Senator Rounds. “Over the past year, Senator Smith and I have held hearings, met with stakeholders and visited with constituents in our states about the hurdles within the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Housing Service. This legislation makes important improvements and updates to the Rural Housing Service that will create and preserve affordable housing opportunities in South Dakota. As we face an affordable housing crisis across the nation, I look forward to working with my colleagues to get these important, bipartisan updates signed into law.” Lack of affordable housing remains an impediment for many rural towns and communities as they struggle to attract new businesses, residents and

Senator Smith Introduces Bill to Provide Financial Stability for College Students Faced With Unexpected Emergencies

Washington [5.1.23] – This week, Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) reintroduced legislation to ensure college students are able to stay enrolled in school in the face of unexpected emergencies. For many students, paying for college requires carefully balancing student loan debts, jobs, and studies, which can be easily derailed by an unexpected costly event. The Emergency Grant Aid for College Students Act would provide financial stability for students struggling to manage a sudden death in the family, car repair, medical bill or any number of financial emergencies that too often force students to drop out of school. The bill was introduced in the House by Representative Joe Morelle (D-NY 25). “The cost of college is a precarious balancing act for many students, and that’s when everything is going ‘right,’” said Senator Smith. “This bill would help provide financial stability for students facing a death in the family, steep medical bills, or any number of unexpected emergencies that too often force them to drop out of school.” “Every student deserves the opportunity to pursue higher education and achieve their personal and professional goals,” said Congressman Morelle. “Unfortunately, unexpected financial emergencies like a vehicle breaking down or the sudden loss of a job can derail years of dedicated work, preventing young people from completing their coursework or even causing them to drop out. That’s not right—which is why I am proud to partner with Senator Smith to introduce this important legislation and ensure students have the support and resources necessary to reach their

U.S. Senator Tina Smith Continues Fight to Secure Health Committee Hearing on Negative Consequences of Family Separation on Children

WASHINGTON, D.C. [06/24/2019]—U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) is again calling on leaders of the Senate Health Committee—on which she serves—to hold a hearing in order to better understand the negative health effects of the Trump Administration’s disastrous family separation policy and the health and safety conditions for children.  Last year, Sen. Smith first pressed for a similar hearing shortly after allegations that at least one facility where children were being housed had forcibly injected already-traumatized children with powerful sedatives. Sen. Smith visited family detention centers herself and renewed her call this spring after reports found that thousands more children had

U.S. Senator Tina Smith Announces Bold Legislation to Bring Down Price of Insulin, Hold Manufacturers Accountable

MINNEAPOLIS, M.N. [06/21/19]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.)—joined by Minnesotan Nicole Smith-Holt who tragically lost her son, Alec, when the high price of insulin forced him to ration his supply—announced plans to introduce legislation to hold insulin manufacturers accountable for excessive increases in the price of life-sustaining insulin. Sen. Smith, a member of the Senate Health Committee, made her announcement at a Minneapolis community health center, where she met with Minnesotans struggling to afford skyrocketing insulin prices, including advocates Lija Greenseid and Quinn Nystrom. Sen. Smith said her new bill will be introduced next week in remembrance of the anniversary

U.S. Sens. Smith, Brown, Cortez Masto, Casey Introduce Bill to Expand Affordable Health Coverage for Families

WASHINGTON, D.C. [06/20/19]—Today, U.S. Senators Tina Smith (D-Minn.), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Catherine Cortez Masto (D-N.V.), Bob Casey (D-Pa.) introduced the Family Coverage Act, which would ensure all spouses and children are able to get covered by fixing a glitch in the health care system that currently prevents families from getting tax credits needed to purchase affordable insurance on the exchanges.  Right now, if a mother or father has health insurance through their employer, but their employer does not offer affordable coverage for the spouse and/or kids, these family members can be kept from getting these credits. The Family Coverage Act

U.S. Sen. Tina Smith Lauds Change to Early Harvesting Rules for Cover Crops

WASHINGTON, D.C. [06/20/19]—Today, U.S. Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minn.) lauded the USDA’s decision to move haying and grazing dates on prevented plant acres from November 1 to September 1. The change comes after Sen. Smith’s bipartisan letter with Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), which requested that USDA modify early harvesting dates.   “Last week, I spoke with Minnesotan farm leaders and this issue dominated the conversation,” said Sen. Smith. “The farming economy is in a significant crisis, and I knew action needed to be taken to stop yet another roadblock for our farmers and ranchers.”   “I’m extremely pleased to see the
