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U.S. Senator Tina Smith Reintroduces Legislation to Support Sustainable Workplace Retirement Plans

WASHINGTON, D.C. [02/16/23]— Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) reintroduced legislation to provide legal certainty to workplace retirement plans that choose to consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in their investment decisions or offer ESG investment options. “Sustainable investment options are good for retirees and good for our environment—that’s a win-win,” said Sen. Smith, a member of the Senate Banking Committee. “I’m putting forth this legislation because we know there’s a growing demand for sustainable investing, and Congress should act now to provide the legal certainty necessary to make sure workplace retirement plans are able to offer these options to workers across the country.” Despite considerable demand for sustainable investment options, relatively few workplace retirement plans, such as pensions and 401(k) plans, take sustainable investing principles into account in their investment decisions or provide sustainable investment options to workers. This is the case even though many workers and retirees want their plans to do so. One of the primary issues hindering plans that want to offer sustainable investment options is an uncertain and regularly changing legal environment. Under the Trump Administration, the Department of Labor issued a rule that imposed new limits on the consideration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors by workplace retirement plans. That rule was rescinded and replaced last year, once again allowing plans to invest sustainably. However, the new rule is currently subject to a legal challenge and is the target of a Congressional Review Act resolution. The Freedom to Invest in a Sustainable Future Act

U.S. Senators Tina Smith, Lindsey Graham Reintroduce Bipartisan Legislation to Help Prepare Young People for the Workforce

WASHINGTON, D.C. [02/16/23]—This week, U.S. Senators Tina Smith (D-Minn.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) reintroduced bipartisan legislation to promote partnerships between afterschool providers and businesses so young people can explore career paths and opportunities that help them land their first jobs and thrive in the workforce. The Youth Workforce Readiness Act would support high-quality programs that help young people gain practical skills and connect them to real-life work experiences and learning opportunities. The legislation is co-sponsored by Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Ron Wyden (D-OR). “We should be doing everything we can to provide our kids with the skills and connections they need to find good jobs and contribute to their communities. I also hear from employers in Minnesota that they need help getting connected to great employees. That’s where afterschool and out-of-school time providers can play a role in helping young people gain skills and make connections to mentors, opportunities and local employers,” said Sen. Smith, a member of the Senate Education and Labor Committee. “Our bipartisan bill would help support youth success for years to come by exposing young people to a wide range of careers and helping them make connections in the workforce.” “Preparing our kids to successfully contribute to our economy helps keep America strong,” said Sen. Graham. “A well-educated, well-trained workforce is a key component to future economic development. This legislation is great news for South Carolina and an important investment in the future of our nation.” Right now, too many young people in Minnesota and around the

Klobuchar, Smith Urge Department of Education to Address Loan Forgiveness for Defrauded Borrowers

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) are continuing to call on the Department of Education to address protections for student loan borrowers. In a letter to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Klobuchar and Smith called on the Department of Education to immediately stop collecting on the student debt of borrowers who were defrauded by Globe University (Globe) and Minnesota School of Business (MSB), discharge the covered loans, and process pending borrower defense applications.  Klobuchar and Smith’s call follows recent news of Globe and MSB filing for bankruptcy, which may prevent these defrauded students from receiving any of

U.S. Senator Tina Smith Continues Bipartisan Fight to Improve Access to Rural Health Care for New and Expecting Moms

WASHINGTON, D.C. [12/04/19]–U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) is continuing her efforts with Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) to ensure new and expecting moms living in rural communities get the care they need by calling on Senate Health Committee leaders to hold a markup for the Rural Maternal and Obstetric Modernization of Services (Rural MOMS) Act. Earlier this year, Sen. Smith introduced her Rural MOMS legislation after hearing from Minnesotans and providers about the struggles families face in accessing maternity and obstetric care in rural areas and small towns. And this fall, the House companion bill to Sens. Smith and Murkowski’s bill advanced out of the House Committee

Klobuchar, Smith, Peterson Announce $200K for Transit Improvements in Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians

WASHINGTON D.C. [11/27/2019]–U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith (D-Minn.), along with Representative Collin Peterson (D-MN-07), announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has awarded Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians a grant of $211,944 for transportation infrastructure improvements.  The grant will help Red Lake Nation Public Transit purchase new buses and equipment, allowing it to accommodate ridership demand. Red Lake Nation Public Transit provides bus services on the reservation. “Investments in transportation serve as a down payment on the long-term economic well-being of our tribal communities and our state,” said Sen. Klobuchar. “By investing in buses and bus facilities for the Red Lake Band we are making

Members of the Minnesota Delegation Raise Serious Concerns over Use of Unsafe School Buses to Transport Minnesota Students

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith and Representatives Angie Craig (MN-2), Dean Phillips (MN-3), Betty McCollum (MN-4), Ilhan Omar (MN-5), and Collin Peterson (MN-7) expressed serious concern following recent reports that one out of every eight school buses operated by First Student, Minnesota’s largest school bus provider, failed to meet Minnesota safety standards this year due to serious defects such as unsafe brakes, flat tires, steering issues, and faulty emergency door buzzers. In a letter to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Acting Administrator James Owens, members of the Minnesota delegation requested additional information on what the agency can do to improve
