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An Eventful Autumn

September and October have been busy and exciting months for all of us. Another Minnesota school year has begun, and that nervous, yet determined feeling that comes with a new school year has also been felt here in Washington with my work to ensure the Build Back Better budget benefits families, communities, and businesses across Minnesota.  I have successfully advocated for the November 8 reopening of the U.S.-Canadian border for vaccinated travelers, which is good news for hard-hit Northern Minnesota businesses and communities that depend on Canadian travelers to thrive. In addition, I have called on the U.S. Postal Service to answer to its plan to slow down first-class mail, met with U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm in St. Paul to discuss our push to transition Minnesota and the nation towards a clean energy future, and taken on big pharma by fighting to lower prescription drug costs for Minnesota families and seniors. Together, we are Building Back Better.  -Tina Smith Minnesota Feeling the impact of USPS Plan to Slow Delivery  Recent changes to the U.S. Postal Service’s First-Class Mail, implemented under Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, have resulted in the slowest delivery standards in 50 years. This is unacceptable.    I called Postmaster General DeJoy to explain the impact these changes will have on individuals and communities in Minnesota and across the country. I understand Postmaster General DeJoy’s desire to address budget shortfalls, but I am concerned that these changes will disproportionally affect seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, rural areas, and Tribal communities across the country. Mail service

Working for Minnesota in Washington

I am lucky to represent you in Washington D.C. and to work every day in the United States Senate to make progress for Minnesotans. I’ll be honest, this can be a frustrating and divisive place. But it’s knowing that every win we have is for the people of Minnesota that continues to inspire me. These past months have been busy––but I am excited to give you an update on the work I’ve been doing in Washington.  Working for a Cleaner Future  I am working to advance a Clean Electricity Standard (CES) as part of the major budget package now being debated in Washington, D.C., building on my 2019 bill that would eliminate all net greenhouse gas emissions in the power sector. We have a climate crisis threatening our economy and our security; but choosing a clean energy future––done well––can provide cheaper energy, improve health, and create more jobs, opportunity and fairness in our economy. My plan, which would move electric power generation to net-zero carbon emissions, is a powerful and achievable tool to get us there. It would require utility providers to include more clean energy in their mix over time. This plan will allow every utility and region to start where it is and build from there.      A CES is a great start as we address the climate crisis and can put America on a rapid path to net-zero electricity emissions. It’s not one-size fits all and it does not promote one kind of clean energy over another. Best

Notes From The Capital: July 2018

Preparing Students for 21st Century Jobs and Addressing the Nation’s “Skills Gap”  I believe that every student should be able to get the skills necessary to prepare for their future and create opportunity—but that doesn’t mean everyone wants to or has to go to a four-year college. I’m glad that several of my provisions to improve career and technical education were included in a bipartisan bill that will soon be signed into law by the President. This bill will help students find good jobs through career and tech education, and it will help businesses and manufacturers hire the workers they need.  After

Notes From The Capital: August 2018

Improvements to Career and Technical Education Passed into Law I have some big news to share: provisions I authored to improve career and technical education were included in a bipartisan bill that was recently signed into law. Improving career and technical education has been a focus of mine because I’ve heard time and again that Minnesota businesses too often can’t find workers with the skills they need to fill open jobs. And while not everyone wants or needs to go to a four-year college—everyone should be able to get the skills they need to have a solid, good-paying job. Excellent

Notes From The Capitol: September 2018

Preserving the Integrity of the Supreme Court of the United States Last week, people in Minnesota and the entire country closely watched the important hearing about Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. I am glad that there will now be an FBI investigation into the allegations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh before the Senate moves forward in his nomination process. This investigation must be thorough and complete. I’ve been paying close attention to the process, but I want to make sure you know what else I’ve been working on. Below is a look into some of the issues I focused

Notes From The Capital: October 2018

Helping the Bipartisan Opioids Bill Become Law Families in rural areas, small towns, downtowns, and Indian Country are hurting from the opioid crisis—last year we saw more than 70,000 drug overdose deaths nationwide, many of them related to opioid use. That’s why I’m glad that the bipartisan opioids legislation I helped write is now law. It is an important part of helping address the problem. The law gives communities more tools to help encourage recovery, increases resources for prevention and treatment, and makes sure that emergency responders have access to naloxone. I’m also proud to have fought for a bipartisan provision that I wrote with Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of
