
Latest Releases

Senator Smith Presses Postal Service for Answers on Missing and Delayed Mail in Minnesota

WASHINGTON, D.C. [8.4.22] – This week, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) sent a letter to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy seeking answers about missing and delayed mail deliveries in Minnesota. Sen. Smith’s office has received numerous calls from constituents reporting inconsistent and missing mail, and mail delays of over a week have been reported on by KTTC in Rochester. “I am deeply concerned about these reports, as many Minnesotans, especially the elderly, disabled people, veterans, and rural communities, rely on the Postal Service as a lifeline,” wrote Smith in her letter. “The Postal Service is an essential service and as such is required by law to maintain a six-day per week delivery schedule with rare exceptions for geographically remote areas, natural disasters, and federal holidays… When service is inconsistent and unreliable, these Minnesotans face late payment fees, days without vital medications, and other serious consequences.” In her letter, Smith pressed DeJoy to answer the following questions by September 4, 2022: Are you aware of irregular, inconsistent, or missing mail deliveries in Minnesota? If so, in how many zip codes have these issues occurred in the last six months? What is causing these unreliable deliveries? What steps are you taking to address critical delivery delays, such as delays of medicine? What is the national Postal Service doing to address these root causes? When can Minnesotans expect a return to reliable, six-day mail service? Will you provide me with regular updates regarding any significant mail delays in Minnesota? You can access the full

Senator Smith’s Bipartisan Legislation to Secure Health Care for Veterans Exposed to Radiation Passes Senate

WASHINGTON, D.C. [8.3.22] – Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) announced that her bipartisan legislation securing health care benefits for “Atomic Veterans” who were exposed to harmful radiation has passed the Senate and is headed to President Biden’s desk. The bill was passed as part of the historic Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our PACT Act, which ensures millions of veterans exposed to noxious fumes emanating from burn pits will have access to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) care and benefits. It is co-led by Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC). The Mark Takai Atomic Veterans Healthcare Parity Act would allow veterans who participated in the cleanup of Enewetak Atoll on the Marshall Islands to receive the same health care and benefits given to other servicemembers who were involved in active nuclear tests. From 1946 to 1958, the U.S. military conducted more than 40 nuclear tests in the islands, but the thousands of servicemembers who cleaned up the area were never made eligible to receive health benefits under the Radiation Compensation Exposure Act. “We have a solemn duty to take care of the men and women who serve in our armed forces. A big part of that is ensuring they can get the health care they need both during and after their service,” said Sen. Smith. “Americans who cleaned up the radiation-exposed Marshall Islands—where more than 40 nuclear tests took place in the 20th century—have been fighting for proper care for a long time. I’m proud to see this legislation become law

U.S. Senator Tina Smith, Senate Democrats Continue Push for Affordable Child Care For Families in Minnesota, Across the Country

Senator Helps Introduce Legislation to Help Families in Minnesota, Across Nation Afford Comprehensive, High-Quality Child Care WASHINGTON, D.C. [02/27/19]—U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.)—who last year launched “Child Care Access and Affordability” listening sessions across Minnesota—is continuing her work to ensure families in Minnesota and across the country are able to access high-quality childcare by supporting a comprehensive bill to address the skyrocketing cost of child care. The bill, called the Child Care for Working Families Act, would address child care costs in a number of ways. It would ensure that families do not have to pay a large percentage of their income onchild care and would provide universal access to

U.S. Sens. Smith, Merkley Introduce Bill to Protect Consumers From Predatory Rent-to-Own Housing Contracts

Senators’ Legislation Would Establish Standards for Predatory Rent-to-Own Contracts, Which Have Traditionally Targeted Underserved Communities and Lower-Income Americans WASHINGTON, D.C. [02/27/19]—U.S. Senators Tina Smith (D-Minn.) and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) have introduced the Residential Rent-to-Own Protection Act to protect consumers in Minnesota and across the country from predatory rent-to-own housing contracts. Their measure would allow rent-to-own residents—many of whom are often people of color or low-income Americans—to seek damages from landlords who violate contracts and put protections in place to ensure these residences are safe. “Rent-to-own contracts can create valuable pathways to homeownership and security, but they don’t always protect consumers. We want

U.S. Senator Tina Smith Honors Grand Portage Chairman Norman Deschampe with Senate Tribute

U.S. Senator Tina Smith Honors Grand Portage Chairman Norman Deschampe with Senate Tribute WASHINGTON, D.C. [02/27/19]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) honored the legacy and contributions of Grand Portage Chairman Norman W. Deschampe, who recently passed away.  Praising his leadership, Sen. Smith cited the numerous issues Deschampe championed in his more than 40 years of service to the Grand Portage Band, serving 27 of those years as Chairman. Sen. Smith’s tribute follows Governor Tim Walz’s declaration of February 26, 2019 as Norman Deschampe Day.   “Norman Deschampe’s legacy includes a longstanding commitment to supporting the health, education, and economic development of the Grand Portage Band,” wrote Sen. Smith, a
