
Latest Releases

Klobuchar, Smith Secure Significant Federal Funding to Strengthen Rural Public Transit

MINNEAPOLIS – U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Tina Smith (D-MN) announced that the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has awarded over $3.4 million in federal funding to strengthen public transit in rural Minnesota communities. Specifically, the resources will enable the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) to boost transit efficiency and upgrade its bus fleet and bus facility infrastructure on lines servicing Greater Minnesota.      “Investments in public transit help reduce traffic and make it easier for Minnesotans to get to school, work, and other destinations,” said Klobuchar. “This federal funding will make a real difference in rural communities across our state, modernizing buses and bolstering transit efficiency so Minnesotans can reliably get around. I’ll keep pushing for resources to ensure public transit is safe and accessible for all Minnesotans.” “Each day, transit systems connect Minnesotans to their jobs, schools, grocery stores and countless other opportunities – all while reducing traffic congestion and pollution,” said Smith, Chair of the Senate Transit Subcommittee. “This funding will help modernize public buses and public transit facilities in Greater Minnesota while improving air quality and helping combat climate change. I am proud of our work to help secure these grants and will continue working to support public transportation across Minnesota.” The FTA’s Buses and Bus Facilities grant program provides resources to help communities modernize bus fleets and bus facilities and support the purchase of more energy-efficient public transit vehicles.   In April, Klobuchar and Smith secured $166.5 million in federal funding through the  bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and

Sen. Smith Announces Significant Investment in Minnesota Youth Mental Health Programs

WASHINGTON [9.13.22] –Today, U.S. Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN) announced that Minnesota will receive at least $800,000 in youth mental health grants. The grants – aimed at addressing increasing youth mental health conditions – are made possible through funding from the American Rescue Plan, which Sen. Smith helped pass earlier this year.  “As we continue to address the impacts of COVID-19, another crisis has emerged – the crisis of youth mental health. When I experienced depression, resources were there for me. But right now, too many people don’t have access to the mental health care they need,” said Senator Smith. “These investments in youth mental health programs will help expand access to mental health services and ensure our kids have the resources they need. I’m proud of our efforts to pass the American Rescue Plan, which made these investments possible.”  The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the ongoing youth mental health crisis. A recent survey showed that among adolescents ages 12-17, 12% said they had serious thoughts of suicide, 5.3% made a suicide plan, and 2.5% percent attempted suicide in the past year. Those who experienced a major depressive episode reported they were more likely than those who did not to feel that the COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected their mental health “quite a bit or a lot.” These grants will go towards enhancing the capacity of mental health organizations to support family members and caregivers who are raising kids with serious emotional disturbance (SED). Funding will also be directed to train school

Sen. Smith Presses to Enhance Nation’s Energy Storage Capabilities

WASHINGTON D.C. [08/24/18]— U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) said legislation she is introducing would significantly increase America’s energy storage capabilities and help expand the role that renewable energies like wind and solar play in the nation’s energy portfolio. “Expanding the nation’s energy storage capabilities will not only help expand use of renewables like wind and solar energy but will contribute to our nation’s energy and economic security,” said Sen. Smith. “This bill will help to significantly improve our nation’s efforts to store energy, and jump start energy storage research and the deployment of energy storage technologies.” Sen. Smith’s “Advancing Grid Storage Act” would authorize $500 million over

Sen. Tina Smith Introduces Comprehensive Bill To Address A Top Minnesota Issue: Skyrocketing Prescription Drug Prices

WASHINGTON D.C. [09/05/18]—U.S. Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minn.) said today that for far too long the health and financial well-being of families in Minnesota and across the country has been harmed by the skyrocketing price of prescription drugs, and she introduced legislation—which is also supported by Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar—designed to hold large pharmaceutical companies accountable for high prices and bring down costs for both consumers and taxpayers. Sen. Smith, a member of the Senate Health Committee, said her measure will increase transparency for drug companies that are setting exorbitant prices, end the restriction that prevents the federal Medicare program from

Sen. Tina Smith Blasts DeVos Proposal That Would Leave Minnesota Students at Hands of Predatory Career Training Programs

WASHINGTON, D.C. [09/13/18]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.)—a member of the Senate Education Committee—stood up for students in Minnesota and across the country by calling on Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to withdraw a proposal aimed at striking down a rule to protect students and borrowers from career training programs that leave students saddled with debt and poor job prospects. Sen. Smith said students in Minnesota and across the country deserve to know which career training programs are successful, and which programs have a history of providing a low-quality education and overly-expensive degrees that have little value on the job market. Under

U.S. Senator Tina Smith Says Senate Passage of Bipartisan Opioids Legislation Will Give Minnesota, Nation Tools to Combat Crisis

WASHINGTON, D.C. [09/17/18]—U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) said the bipartisan opioids legislation that passed the Senate today—which Sen. Smith helped write—will give Minnesota and the nation important tools to combat an epidemic that has already claimed too many lives and decimated too many families. Sen. Smith, a member of the Senate Health Committee, said the package invests in long-term prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts. It also includes her measure to help bring mental health professionals into schools and community-based organizations in order to better reach families who need these vital services. “The opioid epidemic is urgent. It hurts families across
