
Latest Releases

Senator Smith Applauds Passage of Bipartisan Bill to Ensure Minnesotans Aren’t Forced to Pay Ex-Spouses’ Student Debt

WASHINGTON [9.22.22] – U.S. Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN) announced that legislation she co-led to provide relief to individuals with consolidated loan debt with a spouse – including victims of domestic violence and financial abuse – has passed the House of Representatives and will be signed into law by President Biden. The bipartisan, bicameral bill will allow individuals to sever joint consolidation loans with a former spouse, which will provide long overdue financial freedom for vulnerable individuals who are being unfairly held responsible for the debt of a former partner.  “It’s not fair for Minnesotans to be left on the hook for the students loans of a former spouse.  Survivors of domestic violence and financial abuse should not be tied to their abuser by student loans,” said Sen. Smith. “Sixteen years ago Congress ended a misguided loan program, but it did nothing to allow those who already had these loans a fair and appropriate way to cut ties. This bill will allow individuals to sever their joint consolidation loans that links them to a former partner – an especially important step for victims of domestic abuse.  I am thrilled to announce the passage of this common sense bipartisan legislation and look forward to seeing it signed into law by President Biden.” While Congress eliminated the program to allow spouses to consolidate their loans in 2006, it did not provide a mechanism for severing existing loans, leaving thousands of people forced to pay the students loans of their former partners.  These loans also locked

Senators Klobuchar, Smith Announce Significant Investment in Minnesota Childcare Programs on College Campuses

Washington, DC [9.21.22] — U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith (both D-MN) announced significant federal funding that will help provide childcare for low-income parents who face additional challenges in accessing postsecondary education. The grants, which total over $650,000, will support four years of campus-based childcare programs at St. Cloud State University and Minneapolis Community & Technical College. “For far too many parents across our state, the struggle to find high-quality, affordable childcare serves as a barrier preventing them from pursuing higher education or reentering the workforce,” said Klobuchar. “This funding will enable parents attending St. Cloud State University and Minneapolis College to access convenient child care services, allowing them to continue their education and providing their children with the foundational care they need.” “Parents in Minnesota tell me all the time how limiting a lack of affordable childcare can be.  I’ve heard from families who have to drive 50 miles to take their kids to childcare, and others who are paying almost one-third of their income toward the cost of childcare for just one kid,” said Sen. Smith. “A lack of affordable childcare should not be a barrier for parents who want to go back to school.  This funding for campus-based childcare programs will go a long ways towards supporting student parents enrolled at St. Cloud State and MCTC.” The funding was made available through the Department of Education’s Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program, which provides grants to support the participation of low-income parents in

Senator Tina Smith Calls for Answers and Action from Secretary DeVos After Teachers Forced to Foot Bill for Thousands in Promised Aid

WASHINGTON, D.C. [06/14/18]–Today, Senator Tina Smith pressed Education Secretary Betsy DeVos for action for teachers who are unfairly being forced to repay thousands of dollars for funds originally promised as grants. The TEACH Grant program promises up-front financial assistance for college students who commit to pursue teaching careers in high-need schools. If students do not fulfill the service requirements of the program, they are liable to pay back the grant money in full with interest—but reports indicate many teachers’ grants are being converted to loans erroneously, due to small errors in paperwork or even for seemingly no reason at all.

Sen. Smith Pushes to End Federal Contracts for Companies that Flout Employee Protection Laws

WASHINGTON, D.C. [06/15/18]–U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) is pushing to prevent companies that mistreat their employees and repeatedly flout workplace protection laws from receiving taxpayer-funded federal contracts. In legislation introduced this week, Sen. Smith would also expand other workplace protections for those employed by large federal contractors. Her legislation is largely similar to a President Obama Executive Order that was repealed last year. “It’s pretty simple, taxpayer-funded government contracts should go to companies that follow the law and treat their workers fairly. Unfortunately, today, too many federal contracts are being awarded to companies with egregious and repeated violations of worker protection

Sens. Smith, Baldwin Call for Hearing on Trump Administration’s Nominee to Head Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

WASHINGTON, D.C. [06/15/18]–U.S. Senators Tina Smith (D-Minn.) and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) are calling on leaders of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee—on which they both serve—for a hearing on the Trump Administration’s nomination of Gordon Hartogensis to be the Director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC). The PBGC protects the pensions of workers and retirees by insuring pension plans that cover about 40 million people, and Sens. Smith and Baldwin are concerned by the lack of Mr. Hartogensis’ experience working on pension issues. The HELP Committee has previously held hearings for two of three recent nominees

Sen. Tina Smith Calls on DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to Resign

WASHINGTON, D.C. [06/18/18]–Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) called on Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to resign amid families being cruelly separated at the border, which is a policy Sec. Nielsen oversees in her leadership role within the Trump Administration. This statement originally appeared on Sen. Tina Smith’s official Senate Facebook page. “’I expect to be held accountable…’ “That’s what Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told Senators during her confirmation hearing in November.  “I agree. As a Senator, I take holding this administration accountable very seriously. I believe Secretary Nielsen has lost the credibility to lead DHS, and that
