
Latest Releases

Senators Smith, Barrasso Introduce Bipartisan Reauthorization of Key Program Aimed at Improving Rural Health Care

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Tina Smith (D-Minn.) and John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Co-Chairs of the Senate Rural Health Caucus, introduced bipartisan legislation to reauthorize a key program that supports state health facilities across the country to help improve health care in rural areas. “When I meet with families, farmers, businesses and community leaders in rural Minnesota, one of the first issues that comes up is healthcare,” said Senator Smith. “This bipartisan legislation will make sure State Offices of Rural Health have the resources they need to expand and improve healthcare services in rural communities. I’ll keep working to get this bill across the finish line and address the unique healthcare needs of rural America.” “Wyoming’s State Office of Rural Health regularly provides rural health providers with critical resources and technical assistance vital to ensuring the highest quality care for patients across Wyoming. As a doctor, I’ve seen firsthand how this assistance benefits our state’s rural health clinics and hospitals,” said Senator Barrasso. “Our legislation would make sure this important program can continue to help providers deliver the best care to patients in rural communities across Wyoming and the country.” The State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) Reauthorization Act of 2022 would ensure that State Offices of Rural Health have the financial resources they need to improve information-sharing, technical assistance, and care delivery in rural health settings. By reauthorizing the program for five years, this bill would also preserve the program’s flexibility to meet state and local rural health care needs.

Senators Klobuchar, Smith Announce Historic Investment in Minnesota Climate-Smart Commodities and Rural Projects

WASHINGTON [9.27.22] – Today, Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith (both D-MN) announced historic federal funding that will expand climate-friendly agriculture in Minnesota and around the country. “Our farmers and agricultural communities are critical to our state economy,” said Klobuchar. “These investments will help create new markets for our agricultural products and encourage voluntary farming practices that help protect our environment.” “From educational institutions to Fortune 500 companies and producer groups to technology startups, a broad range of Minnesota organizations are at the cutting edge of research into climate-smart agriculture,” said Sen. Smith. “These investments will accelerate the growth of environmentally sustainable agriculture in our state and around the country while taking important steps to reduce emissions and fight climate change.”  The U.S. Department of Agriculture is making historic investments in 70 selected projects around the country under the first pool of the Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities funding opportunity. Projects from the second funding pool will be announced later this year. The investments will create market opportunities for American commodities produced using climate-smart production practices. These projects will expand markets for climate-smart commodities, leverage the greenhouse gas benefits of climate-smart commodity production and provide direct, meaningful benefits to production agriculture, including for small and underserved producers. The selections announced this week reflect a broad set of applicants, from non-profits and government entities to farmer cooperatives and environmental groups. Many of the recipients are based in Minnesota or partner with Minnesota businesses and organizations such as Land O’ Lakes, Minnesota Board

Sen. Tina Smith and Colleagues Introduce Bill to Ensure Trump Administration Complies with Buy America Laws

WASHINGTON, D.C. [06/06/18]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) introduced legislation alongside five of her colleagues that requires federal agencies to publicly release reports on their compliance with and options to improve our nation’s Buy America laws. “I believe that taxpayer funds should go to U.S. companies to create American jobs, not overseas to foreign companies. Families across the country deserve to know the truth about how their taxpayer dollars are being used,” Sen. Smith said. “By making sure federal agencies issue public reports on their compliance with Buy America laws, Minnesotans and lawmakers alike will be able to judge for themselves who

Sen. Tina Smith in First Senate Floor Speech: “When Women Are Empowered to Contribute, We All Benefit”

WASHINGTON, D.C. [06/05/18]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith delivered her first Senate floor speech. In her remarks, Sen. Smith talked about the path that brought her to the Senate, and some of the injustices that hold women back—many of which start in Washington. You can download video of Sen. Smith’s speech here, and a photo of Sen. Smith, her husband Archie, and her father Harlan here. “My presence here in the Senate will always be seen by some as a symbol of the ‘broader conversation’ we’re having about the experience of women in America,” said Sen. Smith. “And so I thought I’d give my perspective

Sen. Tina Smith Says New Bipartisan Senate Farm Bill Will Be Good for Minnesota Farmers and Communities, Bolster State’s Economy

WASHINGTON, D.C. [06/08/18]—U.S. Senator Tina Smith, a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, said the bipartisan Farm Bill proposal the Committee will take up next week is important, not only for the Minnesota farmers, ranchers and rural communities, who will greatly benefit from the measure, but also for the state’s economy as a whole. The legislation, which includes measures championed by Sen. Smith—including many aspects of her legislative roadmap for the energy section of the Farm Bill—will help spur economic development, job creation and trade. Sen. Smith said the panel will begin work to finalize the proposal on Wednesday, June 13, when

Sen. Tina Smith Helps Introduce Bill to Improve Access to Mental Health Services for Students

WASHINGTON, D.C. [06/21/2018]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.)—a member of the Senate Health Committee—helped introduce legislation in order to better address the increasing number of students with mental health concerns at colleges and universities across the country. The bill—known as the Higher Education Mental Health Commission Act—would create a national commission to study the mental health concerns that students face. This commission would includerepresentatives from higher education institutions, disability and student advocacy groups, students with mental health conditions, and family members of college students. “Facilitating open, honest conversations about mental health is an important first step toward eliminating the stigma that
