
Latest Releases

Klobuchar, Smith Announce Significant Funding to Improve Water Systems in Renville County

WASHINGTON, D.C. [12/01/22] — U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith (Both D-Minn.), announced over $830,00 in federal funding to replace and improve water and sewage systems in the city of Olivia, Minnesota. The project will replace deteriorated storm drainage systems, hydrants, and water and sewer mains. “When we invest in wastewater infrastructure and storm drainage systems, we invest in the safety of our communities,” said Klobuchar. “These resources will enable key upgrades to Olivia’s outdated water treatment facilities and storm pipes, helping to protect the health and safety of families across the city.” “It may not be the flashiest project, but updating outdated water systems will make a real difference for those in and around Renville County,” said Smith. “I am proud of our work to secure infrastructure investments like this one and will continue working with local leaders across Minnesota to address infrastructure needs of all shapes and sizes.”  The investment is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Water and Waste Disposal Loans and Grants program. The sewer system in the city of Olivia was constructed in the 1930s and ninety percent of the system in line to be replaced is over 70 years old. The project will replace deteriorated water and sewer lines as well as storm drainage systems and hydrants. Over 2,500 Minnesotans in Renville County will benefit from these improvements.

U.S. Senator Tina Smith Leads Colleagues in Introducing Bipartisan Resolution Recognizing November as National Lung Cancer Awareness Month

WASHINGTON, D.C. [11/30/22] – Today, U.S. Senators Tina Smith (D-Minn.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) reintroduced a bipartisan resolution to designate November as National Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Their resolution highlights the importance of early detection of lung cancer to help save lives. It also recognizes the need for research to improve early diagnosis, screening and treatment.   “We need to take every possible step to fight this terrible disease that kills far too many people in Minnesota and across the country each year,” said Sen. Smith. “Raising awareness about the importance of lung cancer screenings for eligible individuals can help detect the cancer earlier, and save lives. Former Minnesota U.S. Representative Rick Nolan and his daughter Katherine inspired me to introduce this resolution. Katherine, who courageously fought stage 4 lung cancer for five years before succumbing to the disease, was a fierce advocate for early detection and research and I’m proud to carry on her fight.” “As co-chair of the Congressional Lung Cancer Caucus, I am proud to stand with Sen. Smith and Rep. Auchincloss in the battle against lung cancer,” said Congressman Boyle. “In 2022, almost a quarter of a million Americans are estimated to be newly diagnosed with lung cancer. Raising awareness and increasing education around this disease is a critical step in making sure we are detecting lung cancer at an early stage. I will continue to fight on the floor of Congress and in my district for increased resources for research and education around lung cancer, and to support those affected

Sen. Tina Smith Presses Veterans Department to Explain Life-Endangering Failures in New Digital Health System

U.S. Sen. Tina Smith called on the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to explain several serious issues with a digital health system designed for clinics and hospitals that treat millions of veterans and service members. The system, which is being tested right now at a handful of military hospitals and is set to be scaled up nationwide in the years to come, has been mired so far by glitches and dangerous errors that put patients at risk. According to a report from Politico, the initial rollout of the MHS Genesis EHR system has resulted in substantial slowdowns, serious medical errors, and a

Senator Tina Smith Urges Agriculture Department to Hear From Minnesotans as Part of Fight to Combat Opioid Epidemic

U.S. Senator Tina Smith is continuing her push to address the opioid epidemic by calling on the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to host a rural opioid misuse roundtable in Minnesota. This comes after introducing a bill last week to help tribes across the country access the resources they need to address mental health and substance use disorders. Earlier this month, the USDA announced it will be holding a series of monthly meetings on opioids in Pennsylvania, Utah, Kentucky, Oklahoma, and Maine. Sen. Smith understands the toll the opioid and drug overdose epidemic is having on families and rural communities across Minnesota, and that’s

Sen. Tina Smith Ramps up Workforce Development Efforts; Plans to Author Legislation after Gathering Minnesota Input

Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith announced that over the next two weeks she will be traveling across the state to talk with Minnesotans about expanding workforce development opportunities.  Sen. Smith said there are many good-paying jobs that don’t require a four-year college degree or taking on loads of student debt. At a series of upcoming meetings, she’ll talk about these jobs while also gathering input from students, community leaders, businesses, and local schools about addressing workforce preparedness issues like the “skills gap.” Once she gets back to Washington, Sen. Smith will author legislation—based on her meetings—to help as many Minnesotans as

Senator Tina Smith, Congressman Rick Nolan Introduce Legislation to Protect Minnesota Families in Rural Areas from Losing their Homes

U.S. Senator Tina Smith and Rep. Rick Nolan (D-Minn.) have teamed up to support affordable housing for Minnesotans who live in rural areas.   The Rural Housing Preservation Act, which the two lawmakers introduced this week, would help families, seniors, and people with disabilities who are at risk of losing rental assistance through the Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Rural Housing Service. The bill also gives communities more flexibility to maintain their existing affordable housing options.   “As a leader of the rural development caucus, a top priority of mine is to help communities with issues like housing access,” said Senator Smith.“I’ve had
