
Latest Releases

Klobuchar, Smith, Grassley Statements on Senate Passage of Bipartisan Legislation to Rename Federal Building in Minneapolis After Senator Paul Wellstone

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Tina Smith (D-MN) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) released the statements below on the Senate passage of their bipartisan legislation to rename the Federal Building in Minneapolis the “Paul D. Wellstone Federal Building,” in honor of the legacy of the late Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN). This year marks the 20th anniversary of the death of Senator Wellstone, his wife Sheila, his daughter Marcia, his staff members Tom Lapic, Mary McEvoy, and Will McLaughlin, and pilots Richard Conry and Michael Guess.  “From his passionate advocacy for better mental health care to his leadership on civil rights, Paul Wellstone showed that public service is really about improving people’s lives,” said Klobuchar. “I’m proud that our bipartisan legislation to rename the Federal Building in Minneapolis in Paul’s honor has passed the Senate. I can’t think of a better tribute to Paul’s legacy of service than a building where Minnesotans gather and get the assistance they need.”  “Paul Wellstone had a profound impact on my life – and the lives of so many Minnesotans – as a public servant and as a friend,” said Smith. “From his work on mental health and campaign finance reform to his votes against the Iraq War, Senator Wellstone never wavered from his convictions or his commitment to improving the lives of working people. By naming this building after him, we hope to honor his legacy and years of service to Minnesota.” “It was an honor to work with and get to know

Klobuchar, Smith Announce Significant Funding to Improve Water Systems in Faribault County

WASHINGTON, D.C. [12/01/22] — U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith (Both D-Minn.), announced over $4 million in federal funding to replace and improve the wastewater system in the city of Kiester, Minnesota. The project will replace outdated, fractured pipes and provide maintenance improvements to the water treatment facility. “Upgrading our wastewater infrastructure is essential to the health and safety of our communities,” said Klobuchar. “By enabling key improvements to the city’s water treatment facilities and systems, these resources will make a real difference for families in Kiester.” “It may not be the flashiest project, but updating outdated water systems and wastewater treatment facilities will make a real difference for those in and around the city of Kiester,” said Smith. “I am proud of our work to secure infrastructure investments like this one and will continue working with local leaders across Minnesota to address infrastructure needs of all shapes and sizes.”  The investment is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Water and Waste Disposal Loans and Grants program. Within the past five years, multiple fractures, holes, and blockages were reported in the pipes. This project will benefit over 500 Minnesotans in Faribault County by replacing the waste water collection system and providing maintenance improvements to the water treatment facility.

Sen. Tina Smith Named to Bipartisan Select Committee to Solve Pensions Crisis Facing 22,000 Minnesotans

Sen. Tina Smith was appointed to a newly formed bipartisan panel tasked with finding solutions to a financial crisis that’s threatening the hard-earned pensions of 22,000 retired Minnesotans. The Joint Select Committee on Solvency of Multiemployer Pension Plans, established as part of the bipartisan budget agreement reached earlier this month, will provide recommendations and legislative language to significantly improve the solvency of multiemployer pension plans and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. Without reforms, as many as 100 pension plans across the country—including the troubled Central States Pension Fund, which covers those 22,000 Minnesotans—are on track to become insolvent. “There are

Sen. Tina Smith’s First Bill Would Address Unscrupulous Big Pharma Tactic That Prevents Minnesotans from Accessing Affordable Rx Drugs

U.S. Senator Tina Smith’s first standalone piece of legislation—the Expanding Access to Low Cost Generic Drugs Act—takes aim at a big pharma tactic that keeps affordable generic drugs out of the hands of Minnesota families and seniors. Sen. Smith’s bill, which she introduced today and is similar to a policy endorsed by the Trump Administration, gets at the heart of a major concern facing Minnesota families and seniors right now: prescription drug prices. We’re at the point now where around 25 percent of Americans who take prescription drugs report difficulty affording them. And while generic drugs are often a much less

Sen. Tina Smith Questions Five Big Pharma CEOs on Use of Corporate Tax Savings

Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith questioned a group of major pharmaceutical executives on how they are using billions of their corporate tax cut dollars, expressing concern that the companies may be using the funds to enrich investors through stock “buybacks” and shareholder payouts instead of prioritizing lower prescription drug prices.   The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, signed into law in December, reduced the corporate income tax rate by over 40 percent, providing these companies with a large windfall of corporate tax savings that could be used to bring down costs for consumers or invest in new research and development. However,

Sen. Tina Smith Calls for 2018 Federal Funding Bill to Invest in Minnesotans

As the Senate works on this year’s federal spending bill—often referred to as the appropriations process—U.S. Senator Tina Smith is fighting to prioritize investments in Minnesota families, seniors, and communities. The bill is expected to be released later this month. In a letter sent to leaders of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Sen. Smith said “I look forward to working with you throughout the appropriations process to provide strong funding for programs that support the health, education, safety, and prosperity of Minnesotans.” You can read a full list of her priorities here or below:    Dear Chairman Cochran and Vice Chairman Leahy: As the
