
Latest Releases

Klobuchar, Smith Statements on Confirmation of Jerry Blackwell to be U.S. District Court Judge

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Tina Smith (D-MN) issued the following statements after the Senate confirmed Jerry Blackwell to serve as a United States District Court Judge for the District of Minnesota. Blackwell has more than three decades of legal experience and was highly recommended  by the judicial selection committee Senators Klobuchar and Smith convened to assist them in providing a recommendation to President Biden. “Jerry Blackwell is one of the most widely respected and accomplished members of the Minnesota legal community. With nearly 35 years of trial practice– including the successful prosecution of the murder of George Floyd – I’m confident he has the qualifications and experience needed to be an excellent U.S. District Court Judge,” said Klobuchar. “As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I fought to advance his nomination through the Senate, and I thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for their support of this outstanding nominee.” “Jerry Blackwell’s confirmation is an exciting event for Minnesota,” said Smith.“His dedication to equal justice and distinguished record as an attorney and leader in Minnesota’s legal community make him exceptionally well-qualified for this position, and I congratulate him on his confirmation.” Blackwell was appointed by Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison to serve as a Special Assistant Attorney General during the trial of former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd. Since 2005, he has also worked as a founding partner of Blackwell Burke P.A., where he has litigated numerous

Senator Smith, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan Bill Giving Tribal Colleges and Universities a Stronger Voice in Education Policy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.), along with U.S. Senators Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), Jon Tester (D-Mon.), Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), and Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), introduced bipartisan legislation – the National Advisory Council on Indian Education Improvement Act – aimed at giving Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) greater input over federal funding and policymaking that impacts them. “Minnesota’s Tribal Colleges are important institutions that serve Native and non-Native students alike in some of the most impoverished and geographically isolated regions of the country,” said Smith. “These institutions deserve a seat at the table when federal agencies make decisions that impact them. I’m proud of this bipartisan effort to support TCUs and their students and look forward to getting this bill across the finish line.” “The 35 accredited Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) in the U.S., which together form the American Indian Higher Education Consortium, commend Senators Fischer and Tester for their leadership in introducing this important legislation. The National Advisory Council on Indian Education Act will ensure Tribal College and University voices are included and supported throughout the council’s work, thereby strengthening the K-16 pathway for American Indian and Alaska Native students. We urge Congress to swiftly pass this much needed legislation,”said Carrie L. Billy, President and CEO of the American Indian Higher Education Consortium. The National Advisory Council on Indian Education (NACIE) advises the Secretaries of Education and Interior on programs serving Native students of all ages. NACIE releases an annual report, but neither Department has a process for considering NACIE’s

Sen. Tina Smith Helps Introduce Legislation to Prepare Minnesota Students & Workers for High-Skill, In-Demand Jobs

U.S. Senator Tina Smith helped introduce legislation to tackle the nation’s “skills gap” by expanding partnerships that train students and workers for open, good-paying jobs in fields like manufacturing, health care, clean energy, and IT. Based on successful models that already exist in Minnesota and across the country, the Community College to Career Fund Act (CC2C) would bring together technical colleges, community colleges, and local businesses to prepare people for jobs that are in high demand. “My first official stop in Minnesota after becoming Senator was at Wyoming Machine, a local sheet metal fabricator that’s doing great things,” said Senator Smith, a

Sen. Tina Smith’s Statement on Rick Nolan Retirement Announcement

U.S. Senator Tina Smith released the following statement after U.S. Representative Rick Nolan announced he will retire after his term ends this year: “I thank Rick Nolan for his years of dedicated public service and constant advocacy for the people of Northern Minnesota. This is a bittersweet retirement. I’m happy that Rick will be able to spend more time with his wonderful family, and I know his voice will be missed. Congressman Nolan is a relentless advocate for his constituents. He wasn’t afraid to reach across the aisle to work with those he didn’t always agree with to get things

Sen. Tina Smith: Congress Must Act on Crisis Facing Dreamers

U.S. Senator Tina Smith released the following statement on the Senate immigration debate: “Tonight, the Senate will open up immigration for debate. Many families in Minnesota have been waiting far too long for this moment, and they’re justifiably frustrated that Congress has yet to act on the crisis facing Dreamers—people brought to this country at a young age who could soon face deportation as a result of President Trump ending the DACA program. I join them in their frustration. Let’s be clear: Republican leadership in the Senate must be held accountable to work with Democrats on solving this immigration emergency.

Sen. Tina Smith Backs Paycheck Fairness Act; Says Equal Pay for Equal Work is Good For All Americans

U.S. Senator Tina Smith has cosponsored the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would help close the long-existing income gap between women and men. Sen. Smith said that equal pay for equal work shouldn’t be a partisan issue, and closing the pay gap would help support women in the workplace, helping ensure that women would be paid an equal wage for doing the same job. She called on Congress to take up and pass the Paycheck Fairness Act in order to strengthen protections for women in the workplace and help end wage discrimination. “Equal pay for equal work is good for all
