Senators Klobuchar, Smith Announce Significant Federal Funding to Combat Homelessness in Greater Minnesota

WASHINGTONToday, U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith (both D-MN) announced over $1.6 million in federal funding aimed at helping communities in Greater Minnesota address homelessness. The first of its kind package is targeted at addressing unsheltered homelessness and homelessness in rural communities.  The package of grants and vouchers will help provide people experiencing homelessness affordable, safe and decent housing in Greater Minnesota.   

“All Minnesotans deserve to have a stable roof over their heads, especially in the middle of a Minnesota winter,” said Senator Klobuchar. “This federal funding will help those experiencing homelessness access safe, dignified shelter and the support services they need.”

“Without access to housing nothing else in your life works. Not your job, your health, your education or your family,” said Senator Smith, Chair of the Senate Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation and Community Development. “We know that housing issues have touched people in nearly every community across the country, with many families struggling to find a safe, decent and affordable place to live. These grants and vouchers will help give communities in Greater Minnesota the resources they need to improve living conditions for homeless Minnesotans.  I applaud HUD for its innovative approach in directing resources specifically to Greater Minnesota and tackling unsheltered homelessness head on. ”

These grants and vouchers, which are distributed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), are a first-of-its-kind package of resources specifically to help rural communities with homelessness and people in unsheltered settings.  A nationwide total of $314 million in funding was announced, with $54 million in awards for rural communities and $260 million awarded for unsheltered homelessness.  Before receiving funding, communities were asked to develop a comprehensive approach to addressing unsheltered and rural homelessness that involves coordination with health care providers, other housing agencies such as public housing authorities, and people with lived experience.

The funding will be awarded to Continuum of Care (CoC) collaborative applicants who have formally partnered with public housing authorities to distribute Housing Choice “Stability” Vouchers, which allow people experiencing homelessness to afford safe and decent housing.

A full list of Minnesota recipients is below:

StateTotal Funding Granted
Rochester/Southeast Minnesota CoC$281,762
Northeast Minnesota CoC$352,280
Saint Cloud/Central Minnesota CoC$147,577
Northwest Minnesota CoC$300,929
Moorhead/West Central Minnesota CoC$219,125
Southwest Minnesota CoC$342,170