Senators Smith, Luján, and Clean Energy Advocates Discuss The Future Of Federal Investments In Clean Energy

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Tina Smith (D-Minn.) and Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) joined Clean Energy for America and The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) to discuss how Congress will continue to move forward on historic federal investments in clean energy.

During the conversation, Senator Smith underscored her support for clean energy and emphasized that Congress must urgently pass legislation that protects our environment, reduces emissions, and generates economic opportunity in the process.

“Addressing climate change is a moral, economic, and a justice issue,” said Senator Smith. “Transitioning to clean energy and taking climate action will create more opportunity, more innovation, and good-paying jobs. It is also an opportunity to re-imagine the future and build sustainable, equitable communities for people like my grandsons to grow up in. We must act now.”

“As the climate crisis continues to put our environment at risk, clean energy remains a vital resource that our country must continue to pursue,” said Senator Luján. “I’ve been proud to lead this fight alongside Senator Smith to introduce legislation that sets our country on a path to achieve net-zero emissions because we cannot afford to wait. With the safety of our future generations at stake, the Senate must swiftly pass legislation that accelerates our transition to clean energy, while adding good-paying jobs for New Mexicans and all Americans.”

