U.S. Senator Tina Smith, Reps. Angie Craig, Brad Finstad Reintroduce Bill to Improve Access to Job Training in Schools

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) and Representatives Angie Craig (D-MN02) and Brad Finstad (R-MN01) reintroduced legislation to expand partnerships between schools and businesses to help ensure a future workforce that is trained and qualified for the jobs and careers employers are hiring for. Many employers struggle to find qualified workers across several industries, including manufacturing, agriculture, and health care. Schools and employers are already building programs and partnerships like those outlined in the billto equip students with the skills needed to secure these jobs, but the lawmakers recognize that the need warrants greater federal investments to support these programs.

“Workforce partnerships give students the opportunity to develop the skills they need for jobs that are available, often without taking on huge amounts of debt,” said Sen. Smith, a member of the Senate Education Committee. “But what I’ve learned is that oftentimes, students aren’t aware of—or don’t have access to—local programs that provide the training these jobs require. Our bill aims to fix this issue by expanding partnerships between schools and local employers. We know these partnerships work, and our goal is to make sure they are available for more Minnesotans and Americans.”

The 21st Century Workforce Partnerships Act would establish grant programs at the U.S. Department of Education to introduce middle and high school students to career exploration and career pathway opportunities. It would also fund grants to foster partnerships between higher education institutions and businesses to provide career training programs which lead to postsecondary degrees.

“Expanding workforce partnerships and apprenticeship programs means more Minnesotans are connected to good-paying job opportunities, without taking on the burden of student loans,” said Rep. Craig. “My bipartisan bill with Sen. Smith will help ensure our future workforce has the skills and training they need to succeed in the 21st century and help grow the middle class.” 

“Throughout the country, industries like agriculture, manufacturing, and healthcare are facing an unprecedented workforce shortage making it harder for them to keep up with the evolving economy,” said Rep. Finstad. “I’m proud to join my colleagues in introducing the 21st Century Workforce Partnerships Act which will enhance relationships between employers, secondary, and post-secondary institutions for the purpose of preparing young people to excel in the workforce.”

The full text of the bill is available here.

